Greater Chicago Area

Dazaria Sanders

Date Reported:  7/11/2024

Last Known Location: 2600 Block of W Haddon Ave

Missing City/State: Chicago, Illinois

Missing Date: July 7, 2024

Age When Went Missing: 19

Age Now: 19

Missing City/State: Chicago, Illinois

Gender: Female

Race: Black

Complexion: Medium

Height: 5’8

Weight: 210

Hair Color: Gray/Part Gray Wig

Hair Length: See Picture

Eye Color: Brown

Police Department: Area 3 Detectives | Chicago Police Department

Police Department Phone: 312-744-8266

Police Department Case: JH343048


NAMUS Link: None

Last Seen Location

Dazaria Sanders was last seen on the 2600 block of W. Haddon Ave in Chicago.

Disappearance Circumstances

Chicago police seek the public’s help in locating a missing person. Dazaria Sanders, 19, was last in contact on July 7, 2024. She is a Black female, 5’8″ tall, weighing 210 lbs, with brown eyes and grey/part gray wig. Dazaria has a medium complexion and a recent scar under her left arm. Her family and friends are deeply concerned for her safety. If you have any information that can help bring Dazaria home, please contact Area Three detectives at 312-744-8266 or call 911 immediately.

**This information was obtained from the Chicago Police Department Missing Persons Page**






















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