Jamiya Bratcher – Found

Greater Atlanta & Chicago areas

Jamiya Bratcher Has Been Found!

Found Date: 5/12/2023

Missing Date: 3/17/2023

Age When Went Missing: 18

Missing City/State: Zion, Illinois

Gender: Female

Race: Black

Complexion: Dark

Height: 5’2 (approximate)

Weight: 154 (approximate)

Hair Color: Black

Hair Length: Long when last seen (could be short if braids were removed)

Eye Color: Brown

Jamiya Bratcher’s Early Years

Jamiya Bratcher and her twin brother Jaden Bratcher were dropped off at a homeless shelter in Atlanta, Georgia on their 18th birthday August 29, 2022 to fend for themselves.

Jamiya and Jaden Bratcher was born to Brenda Laverne Piper and Robert Nichols in 2004 as ‘Ramiya Nichols’ and ‘Robert Nichols Jr’ – twins, with Robert being born first. For purposes of their current identity, I will be referencing the twins as Jamiya and Jaden moving forward.

They were put into the foster care system in Lake County, Illinois in July 2008 when they were almost 4 years old. Allegedly, there was an incident in the home where Jaden ended up being burned. The story has changed many times when told by Brenda, their biological mother, during several interviews that have been posted online.

Why Were Jamiya And Jaden Bratcher Put Into Foster Care?

Their biological mother, Brenda Pipes, was charged with a criminal felony, and convicted of “Endangering the life or health of a child in the 2nd degree” for both Jaden and Jamiya, on December 15, 2008 under a plea deal. This is all public record on the Lake County, Illinois Circuit Court Records Access website under Case # 08CF00002973.

The twins were put into the foster care system as a result of this incident and were eventually adopted by Angelica Larissa Bratcher and Lyndon Bratcher.

Abuse And Neglect By Adopted Parents

Both Jamiya and Jaden said that they were abused and neglected while growing up with their adoption/foster parents Angelica Larissa Bratcher & Lyndon Bratcher who dropped them off at a homeless facility in Atlanta, GA 800 miles from their hometown in Illinois, fending for themselves on their 18th birthday.

Apparently, the Bratchers have since moved, changed their phone numbers, and deleted all of their social media accounts.

Jamiya and Jaden have been completely abandoned with no extended outreach from the Bratchers, and no way to contact them anymore either.

Homeless In Atlanta, Georgia

In March 2023, Marcus Arthur Ferris of ‘Atlanta Street Interviews’ from Decatur, Georgia met Jamiya on the streets of Atlanta and did an interview with her and her and another gal by the name of Ruby Clay. Ruby had also just met Jamiya that same day right after Jamiya had been pushed down to the ground by another homeless person, which is what initially prompted Marcus and Ruby to talk to her, so the story is told.

As a result of the video that ‘Atlanta Street Interviews’ posted on YouTube, Jamiya’s story went viral. People were devistated to learn that a young 18 year old girl, who clearly had autism or some other form of intellectual disability, was dropped off over 800 miles away from home with her twin brother by their adopted parents to fend for themselves at a homeless shelter on their 18th birthday.

Marcus would go on to make follow-up video interviews on his YouTube channel for ‘Atlanta Street Interviews’, and managed to find its’ way to the eyes of the twins’ biological cousin ‘SheeShe’ aka ‘Ol Casanova’ (on Facebook), of Chicago, Illinois. SheeShe reached out to their biological mother, Brenda Pipes, and told her that she felt Jamiya and Jaden were the children that she had lost in 2008 – Ramiya and Robert.

Eventually, Jamiya allegedly hitchhiked or took a train to Zion, Illinois – a northern suburb of the Greater Chicago Area, to reunite with her biological mother and family. She arrived at Brenda’s house on our about March 14, 2023 where there were lots of family celebrations to welcome her.

Fallout With Brenda Pipes – The Biological Mother

Three days after Jamiya arrived at Brenda’s house, her biological mother (Brenda) stated that she overheard Jamiya talking on the phone to 2 older men at 3am in the morning, who told her she better get her ass back to Atlanta ASAP or else (threatening her). It has been heard that Jamiya and Brenda got into an argument over this situation, and Brenda told her to leave her house.

The online interviews with several different people that have taken place after Jamiya’s disappearance have had Brenda, SheeShe, and Jaden speaking on the circumstances – sometimes together, sometimes separately.

Jamiya Goes Missing 3 Days After Arriving At Brenda’s House

The events described have basically painted the picture that Brenda received a call from a Cook County Police Detective or Sheriff asking her if she knew a Jamiya Bratcher, and that he had taken her to Northwestern Memorial Hospital Emergency Room in Chicago (a hospital). Brenda said that he asked her if she or anyone else could come down to the hospital to pick up Jamiya as she seemed a little off or slow. Brenda reached out to SheeShe right after the call from the detective and asked her to go to the hospital where Jamiya was at. SheeShe has stated that she spoke with the nurse and Jamiya on the phone while Jamiya was at the hospital and told them both that she was on her way and would be there within 45 minutes to pick her up.

According to SheeShe, Jamiya said she was happy to be going home with her and understood that SheeShe was on her way to pick her up. One important detail to note: SheeShe said that the nurse appeared to be holding up the phone for Jamiya to talk to SheeShe and that Jamiya appeared to be talking to another person on her personal cell phone as she told that person to hold on for a minute so she could talk to SheeShe on the hospital phone.

This all took place around 5:00pm Chicago time. When SheeShe arrived at the hospital around 5:45pm-ish, Jamiya had already left. Jamiya has never been seen in person since. We are convinced that Jamiya was talking to the person who is trafficking her and was being manipulated and coerced to leave the hospital without waiting for SheeShe.

Jamiya Reaches Out To Jaden

Fast forward to Tuesday, April 25, 2023 – apparently, Jamiya reached out to her twin brother Jaden via Facebook Messenger via text at 12:37pm saying “hey Jaden don’t worry im ok in Chicago i had to run away from home because our mom was asking for money and i didn’t have any so i ran away from the pressure. i dont want anybody to know where i am because niggas are after me and i want to hide my location for my safety so dont worry im ok thanks for being concerned about me i love you Jaden. just for me stay safe ok. i hope you have a great life. tell moe i said “hi, i love you, and stay safe” also tell her I’m sorry and i hope we can call it truce and ill see you guys back in Atlanta.”

Later on that same day at 4:39pm, Jaden and Jamiya spoke via Facebook Messenger Video. Apparently, there was no sound so they had to try to communicate via text while on the video call. Jamiya was responding with short answers for the most part like ‘yes’ or ‘no’ or ‘it doesn’t work like that’.

Jamiya Is Believed To Be A Victim Of Human/Sex Trafficking

Jaden has not heard from Jamiya since that interaction.

Jamiya Bratcher is believed to possibly be back in Atlanta, Georgia being sex trafficked. Please share this story, share her missing person flyer, and share this story on all of your social media accounts to help us bring her to safety.

Although she went missing from the Greater Chicago Area in Illinois, it is strongly believed that she is now back in the Greater Atlanta, Georgia area. Even with this information, we would like to ask that you share this information wherever you live.























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