Report a Missing Person - Detailed Form

Important: Please ensure you have a police report and a recent photo ready before submitting this form.

Please complete the form below with the physical description of the missing person, along with your current information and details about the investigating law enforcement agency.

For public notifications, provide detailed and accurate descriptive information as it should appear. Ensure all fields are completed thoroughly.

All profile submissions will undergo a thorough review process before publication, including confirmation from the police or investigating agency and verification of the case number. This ensures the credibility of the Association for Intellectually Disabled Black, Indigenous, and People Oppressed by Color and the integrity of the reported data.

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Missing Person Information

Name of Missing Person
Please limit to 100 characters or less. This will be included on the flyer.
Missing Person's Address
Missing Person's Race
Missing Person's Biological Gender
Missing Person's Gender Identity
gender that the missing person identifies as
i.e. he/him, she/her, they/them
Missing Person's Relationship Status
Missing Person's Parental Status

Missing Person Description

(description at time of disappearance)
missing person's height in feet only
missing person's height in inches only
please enter missing person's weight in pounds (lbs) (number value only)
Missing Person's Hair Color
select all that apply
bald, short, medium, long, etc...
buzz, curly, straight, etc..
Does missing person wear contacts or glasses? If so, please describe.
Does missing person have any tattoos? If yes, please describe size, location, colors, and what the tattoo is (if known).
Does missing person have any piercings? If yes, please describe size, location, colors, and what the piercing(s) is (if known).
what were they wearing last (color/style)

Missing Person's Vehicle Information (if known)

Missing Person's Personal Vehicle Description (Year, Make, Model, Color, Description Details, etc....)
Missing Person's Vehicle License Plate Number

Missing Person's Employer Information (if known)

Missing Person's Employer Address

Spouse/Significant Other Information

Spouse/Significant Other Address

Law Enforcement Information

Was a Police Report Filed?
Date Missing Person Report Was Filed
Police Report Case Number

Case Assignment Information

Missing Persons Databases

Has Missing Person Been Listed In These Databases?
please select all that apply

Circumstances Surrounding Disappearance

Person Last Seen With Information

Address of Person Last Seen With
Is Foul Play or Runaway Suspected?
Select one please
be specific as possible
Does Missing Person Require Medication and/or Medical Attention?
Drug Use
Alcohol Abuse

Social Media of Missing Person (if known)

Military Service

Military Status
Military Branch

Family / Authorized Contact Person

Family/Authorized Contact Person

Person Submitting Form

your information

Attach Additional Documents and/or Flyers Here

Pictures of Missing Person

Please email any additional pictures of missing person to: if you have more than 3 that you would like to submit. At least ONE IMAGE must be uploaded now for flyer.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
First image uploaded will be the picture used on the flyer.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 6 files.
Do you agree to allow us to use any pictures submitted on this form publicly?
Do you understand that any/all information provided on this form may be shared with others to help find the missing person?
Do you agree to allow us to post publicly about the missing person on social media sites and/or public websites?
Do you agree to allow us to contact/coordinate search efforts with any/all law enforcement agencies as needed and/or required?
Do you agree to allow us to contact/coordinate awareness and search campaigns with various media outlets/sources?
Do you understand that all services provided by us will be at no charge to you?
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